Hey Chicago! Feeling like your relationship could use a little extra TLC? Let’s face it, communication can be tricky, especially when you throw the ups and downs of city life into the mix. improving communication

But fear not, lovebirds.

As your friendly neighborhood couples therapist, I’m here to equip you with some awesome communication hacks to strengthen your connection and keep those Chicago winds from blowing your relationship apart.

In this post, we’ll explore some key skills that can turn you and your partner into communication rockstars:

Active Listening: From Tuning In to Truly Hearing

Imagine this: you and your partner are having dinner, but it feels more like you’re sitting across from a stranger. They’re talking, but you’re lost in your phone, mentally planning your grocery list. 

Sound familiar? improving communication

In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of passive listening with our partners. We hear the words coming out of their mouth, but we’re not truly present in the conversation. But what if there was a way to transform those everyday conversations into moments of deep connection?

Enter the magic of active listening! It’s the secret weapon for truly understanding your significant other and building a stronger relationship. Forget just waiting for your turn to talk; active listening is about giving your partner your undivided attention, showing you’re engaged, and making them feel heard.

Think of it like this: your partner is sharing their heart song with you. Active listening allows you to appreciate the melody, understand the lyrics, and connect with the emotions behind the music.

Here are some ways to become an active listening rockstar in your relationship:

  • Silence the Distractions: Put down your phone! This might seem like a no-brainer, but in our tech-saturated world, it’s easy to get sucked into the black hole of social media notifications. Turn off the TV, silence your phone, and give your partner your full attention.
  • Make Eye Contact: Eye contact is a powerful way to show you’re interested and present in the conversation. It creates a sense of intimacy and connection, letting your partner know you’re there to listen, not just waiting for your turn to speak.
  • Body Language Matters: It’s not just about what you say; it’s also about how you say it. Lean in, nod your head, and use open body language to show you’re engaged. Avoid crossing your arms or looking away, as this can send the message that you’re closed off or disinterested.
  • Ask Clarifying Questions: Don’t assume you understand everything. Sometimes our partners might not say exactly what they mean, or we might misinterpret their words. Ask clarifying questions to ensure you’re on the same page. For example, you could say, “So what you’re saying is you felt hurt when I…?” or “It sounds like you’re feeling frustrated about…?”
  • Paraphrase and Reflect: This is a powerful technique to show you’ve been paying attention and to confirm your understanding. Briefly summarize what you’ve heard and reflect back the emotions behind the words. For example, you could say, “It sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed with work right now. Is that right?”

By incorporating these active listening techniques, you can transform your conversations with your partner. You’ll build trust, show them you care, and create a safe space for open communication. 

Non-Verbal Communication: Reading Between the Lines (and Body Language)

We Chicagoans, we’re known for our bluntness, our “what you see is what you get” attitude. But guess what? Communication isn’t always so clear-cut, especially when it comes to relationships. Sometimes the most important messages aren’t spoken at all, but conveyed through nonverbal cues – body language, facial expressions, even tone of voice. improving communication

Learning to understand your partner’s nonverbal language is like cracking the code to a secret city within your relationship. 

It allows you to pick up on hidden emotions, avoid misunderstandings, and respond more effectively. Here’s your guide to becoming a body language detective in the Windy City of love:

  • Posture Power: Just like the way a skyscraper reflects a company’s confidence, your partner’s posture can say a lot about how they’re feeling. An open and relaxed posture with uncrossed arms and legs suggests they’re engaged and receptive. Conversely, crossed arms, a hunched back, or a turned away torso might indicate they’re feeling closed off or defensive.
  • The Face Tells All (Almost): Facial expressions are like tiny billboards flashing emotional updates. A furrowed brow could signal frustration, a pursed mouth might mean disapproval, and a genuine smile (think crinkled eyes, not just a lip curl) usually indicates happiness. Remember, context matters! A furrowed brow during a funny movie scene probably means something different than one during a serious conversation.
  • Eye Contact: Chicago Style: Eye contact is a powerful tool in Chicago, just like a strong handshake. Making good eye contact shows you’re interested and present in the conversation. However, there’s a fine line – excessive staring can feel intense, while avoiding eye contact altogether might suggest disinterest or nervousness.
  • Listen Up! It’s Not Just What They Say: The tone of voice can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Imagine a friend saying, “Come over here” in a warm and inviting tone versus a cold and accusatory one. Big difference, right? Pay attention to the tone of your partner’s voice to get a clearer picture of their emotional state.

By becoming a detective of nonverbal cues, you can bridge the communication gap and build a stronger connection with your partner. Remember, communication is a two-way street. 

While you’re deciphering their body language, be mindful of your own nonverbals as well! Are you making eye contact? Is your posture open and inviting? 

By being mindful of both verbal and nonverbal communication, you can create a space for open and honest conversation, the bedrock of any happy Chicago relationship. improving communication